Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Paint Types/ Paint Quality

Paint Types/ Paint Quality

I will share with you my experience from paint types and quality: As a new painter you may already know or you may not know about different paints To paint wet-on-wet style which I use most of the time especially on my videos because I can get finished in one setting. I will talk more about this in another Blog Topic,

wet-on-wet you need a firm paint to start with I use LUKAS STUDIO OILS it is a professional oil paint very affordable, before you buy paint research it don't just buy the first set of paint you see thinking" this will get me started" 9 times out of ten it will get you frustrated because of not the color?? but the quality of the paint. Most cheap sets of paint are more filler than pigment also the ones I have seen are to thin out of the tube.

look for Toxic seals on the paint tubes, AP means Non Toxic that's what you want it's safe to use, CL means Contains Lead this you do not want its hazardous.

you will also see on most tubes a coding for transparency if it says opaque means the opposite "transparency is when you can see through the color just like a colored window glass, opaque is solid you can't see through it unless you thin it down with a medium."

paying attention and being aware of these things will help you learn what they can do for you.

Some Colors you will find out are stronger in pigment and overpower others when you mix them this is something that you will develop as you practice I could talk about it all day but you have to experience it to grasp it. "it is an individual thing everyone is slightly different."

using the paint:

Make sure the paint is not to dry in the tube it needs to have some oil in it if it has to much try this stand the tube on it cap end for a few days see if that helps the the oil will settle at the back of tube, also try needing the tube before use if it is to dry the oil maybe gathered together in the tube.

one thing about paint most beginning artist do is they do not use enough paint while painting this use to be me to when I first started till I came to terms with myself here is my philosophy "put out plenty of paint so what if you waste a little here or there don't be so stingy you will rob your painting they make it everyday there is not a shortage on oil paint."

Last but not Least have fun as you grow in painting!

I will update this Blog as I think of things I left out.


Michael Thompson


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